Theme Owner: NTT DATAYou can apply to any challenge from anywhere.

Collaboration and proposals regarding
personalized services through the
utilization of personal data
In Europe and the U.S., developments have occurred to enable individuals to have access to their own personal data owned by companies, governmental bodies, etc. and create new businesses by utilizing such personal data.
In Japan, the Cabinet Secretariat has been taking the initiative to review the possibility of
creating a system to utilize personal data. Against this backdrop, we wish to achieve personalized services by utilizing personal data to make everyday life more convenient and increase efficiency in society. We accept applications from companies that are willing to create such services under this theme.
- Related
keywords - Personal data
- big data
- open data
- personal data store (PDS)
- information bank
- data trading market
- Agency Organization
- secure multiparty computation
- secret sharing
- encryption
- technologies to prevent data tampering
- healthcare
- purchase information
- medical examination data
- location information
- smart meter
- data analysis
- data utilization
- Social challenges to be addressed through collaboration
- Japan has a world-class medical care system, but the system is in dire straits. Enabling access to personal data (e.g., medical checkup information, X-rays, blood test results) will help individuals receive efficient medical care and reduce waste with regard to social security cost. Personalized production (rather than mass production and mass consumption) will minimize waste and maximize efficiency in society. Utilization of personal data offers one solution for maximizing convenience in Japan, whose population is declining.
- Market size of collaboration business or business scale
- For example, in the medical care field, elimination of redundant checkups and prescriptions, etc. is expected to cut costs by about one trillion yen. Given the reduction effects to be expected in respective fields, the market will be worth hundreds of billions of yen.
Assets and opportunities to be offerred
- We joined the MesInfos project (a demonstration project) in France.