A new business arising out of an intracompany working group
One of the characteristics of NTT DATA's open innovation is that working groups create cross-sectional business in a timely manner. Each group brings pieces of technical expertise, such as Individual Numbers, Big Data, and Fintech and analyzes its impact on society.

Individual Numbers easily collected
with smartphones
One of the businesses created in this way is the use of smartphones in the proxy collection service of Individual Numbers. Under the Individual Number system, which has been used since January 2016, financial institutions and ordinary companies are obligated to collect Individual Numbers from their employees and customers stipulated by the law. The burdens of operations have increased because the number of people subject to collection is huge and strict security control is required in handling Individual Numbers. Also, individuals who have to submit their Individual Numbers have to deal with various paperwork on personal identification, all the while only a small number of mistakes occur in the preparation of documents.
Considering this situation, NTT DATA studied the provision of a number collection proxy service not only by mail but also through a handy smartphone or tablet application for improving the efficiency of these number collection processes. This aims to realize safety measures and an efficient process to collect numbers.

Verified by 200 employees to make
the service easy-to-use
Under the leadership of the working group studying the Individual Number system, the system and user-friendliness of the electronic number collection technology through smartphones were verified for about one month starting from February 2015. This was done in cooperation with about 200 NTT DATA employees and financial institutions. The employees used the camera function in their smartphones to read out their driver's license with an IC chip or the health insurance card on which their employee number is printed, checking whether or not the electronic information collection and registration can be completed normally. In addition, the usability of the system was also checked.
In May 2016, the number collection proxy service MyNUCS® went into actual use. NTT DATA started a number collection proxy service that allows you to collect Individual Numbers through a smartphone or a tablet. In January 2016, a mail-based number collection proxy service also started, targeted at our customers of financial institutions (insurance industry).
On top of that, NTT DATA has also offered an Individual Number collection, storage, and submission assistant service by mail or via a Website (for PC or smartphone) since December 2015 to our customers of ordinary companies.

- 2015.01.22NTT DATA announces the start of verification trial aiming at safe and easy-to-use submission and registration of Individual Numbers
- NTT DATA Individual Numbers solution (for financial institutions)
- NTT DATA Individual Numbers collection, storage, and submission assistant service (for ordinary companies)