Theme Owner: Boston/San Francisco (United States)You can apply to any challenge from anywhere.
Courts around the world are dealing with backlog which can be solved to a great extent by data transparency, judiciary workload, case history and justice delivery analytics and predictions. This challenge requires the participants to model a court system comprising of legacy technology and manual processes and demonstrate how that can be modernized using the latest technology trends such as Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, case management, data virtualization and microservices. The result should provide predictability for judges and Court staff in case load, staffing and scheduling alignment, real time access to the right information at the right time through visual analytics etc.
- Related keywords
- Artificial intelligence
- machine learning
- deep learning
- case management
- data virtualization
- Social challenges to be addressed through collaboration
- 1. Better Citizen Services
- 2. Faster Judicial proceedings
- 3. Optimal resource utilization
- Market size of collaboration business or business scale
- Approximate market size : $10M per year, possibly tripling by 2021. Prospective share of collaboration : 30-50%