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Using Blockchain for Automotive ownership tracker
This includes
- a. Ability to track a vehicle from the point of view of the OEM after the initial Sales has occurred
- b. Ownership should be tracked till the vehicle is scrapped - across multiple owners
- c. This would enable OEMs to notify all people driving their vehicles when an important recall needs to happen against a critical defect (e.g. seatbelt, airbags, etc.)
- Related keywords
- Blockchain
- Auto
- Owner Tracking
- vehical passport
- auto part tracking
- Social challenges to be addressed through collaboration
This solution will greatly enhance public safety in the context of private transportation as it would enable drivers to be notified of important recalls even though they have purchased the vehicle from a 3rd party through a private sale.
- Market size of collaboration business or business scale
- Global Auto Industry is @ 2 Trillion Dollars worth. 98 Billion spent on R&D
We are looking Global market share of at least 1 billion( 10% of IT & R&D spend)