Propose healthcare services leveraging
health data to reach out to non-health
conscious people
There exist presently in the world various kinds of health information management applications. Many of them, however, are focused on health-related data or are management-based services for tracking physical health. The problem with such services is that they are largely sought out only by health-conscious users, whereas we believe health services should be used by a broad cross-section of the population.
Our current plan is to offer health concierge services using health-related data that combine already existing services to people who do not particularly care about their health. Alternatively, we will offer services that are not exactly health services but the use of which is nonetheless likely to produce good health outcomes in the end. As we all have only one life to live, our intention is that many more people will be able to enjoy happy lives. (Our services will cover not only physical health but also spiritual health, i.e., spiritual richness.)
- Related
keywords - Gamification
- AI
- smartphone app
- recommendation
engines - big data
- Social challenges to be addressed through collaboration
- Making medical costs more reasonable and extending healthy life expectancies by encouraging those who are indifferent to their health to change their behaviors.
- Market size of collaboration business or business scale
- The target business scale is to obtain 10 million users (sales amounting to 5 billion yen) by 2020.
- ・Health Data Bank –an ASP service constituting medical examination results management covering medical exam data of approx. 3 million people.
- ・Creative Health NEXT – a population approach service used by approx. 200,000 people with incentives. (Vital data such as the number of steps and blood pressure are managed.)
- ・We provide highly reliable system development and a highly reliable operation environment (Open standard API of Creative Health).
- ・Joint development and expansion of open innovation business using the above-mentioned assets.