- 16 Mar, 2017The Grand Finale has finished. The results and photos are here.
- 3 Mar, 2017All venue pitch contests have finished. The results and photos are here.
- 16 Feb, 2017Result of the pitch days in Toronto has been updated. The contest news page is open.
- 15 Feb, 2017Result of the pitch days in London, Madrid and Barcelona have been updated. The judges information of San Francisco contest is added.
- 1 Feb, 2017Pitch contests are in session from 2nd Feb. to 2nd March. Details have been updated.
- 4 Jan, 2017Application has been closed.
- 27 Dec, 2016Asian Payment Network joined as our venue partner for Singapore contest.
The website of NTT DATA’s Open Innovation is now open. - 20 Dec, 2016The application deadline has been extended.
The pitching day in San Francisco and São Paulo have been fixed. - 14 Dec, 2016Detail explanation about the challenge(NDSP01) has been added.
- 7 Dec, 2016Required information for applications and FAQ have been added on the "ABOUT" page.
- 30 Nov, 2016Two more challenges, global retail(NDDM01) and IoT for electricity retailers(NDIOT04), have been added.
Special Awards from London, Tel Aviv, and Singapore have been released.
Please see the venue page for more information.
Additional information will be updated on 7th Dec. - 24 Nov, 2016Detail Descriptions about 4 challenges(NDBD01/NDFIN02/NDFIN03/NDIOT01) have been added.
Additional information to be uploaded on 30th Nov. - 16 Nov, 2016More details for the venues and challenges have been added.
Additional information to be uploaded on 24th Nov. - 9 Nov, 2016More details for the venues and challenges have been added.
Additional information to be uploaded on 16th Nov. - 1 Nov, 2016More details for the venues and 4 challenges have been added.
Additional information to be uploaded on 9th Nov. - 26 Oct, 2016Now accepting applications.
- 25 Oct, 2016The website of the open innovation business contest 5.0 is open.
The more details about the venues and challenges will be added on 1 Nov.
This website will be updated on Wednesday regularly.

NTT DATA, a leading Japanese system integrator, plays a vital role in developing and operating a range of IT infrastructure in Japan, and is now engaged in IT business in around 50 countries.
We have hosted four open innovation business contests in Japan, and now expanding it to 10 cities worldwide. By sharing ideas and collaborating, we aim to develop more innovative technologies and businesses to solve global problems dynamically.
This is an excellent platform for you to scale your business and we look forward to such collaborations.
“Let’s innovate together, the solutions nobody has imagined!”
- About the contest (3’51”)
- Who’s NTT DATA? (4’27”)
- We are open to business ideas, applications related to the challenges posted by NTT DATA group companies across the world.
We will hold preliminary contest in 10 cities between February and March 2017. - The winners of respective cities will be invited to the Grand Finale in Japan, scheduled 15th March 2017 where the first prize winner will be picked out of the 10 regional champions.
- The Grand Finale winner will receive a three-month in-kind contribution worth 30,000 USD to support the development of their proposed new business.
Our contest to promote collaborations with startup companies worldwide is one of many initiatives on which NTT DATA
will capitalize in hopes of surpassing 10 billion yen (about 100 million USD) in annual business by 2020.
The Grand Finale winner will receive full three month support to develop their proposed new business with NTT DATA.
worth 30,000 USD
their proposed new business

We are thankful for the support from our clients and partners supporting innovation.

Our clients supporting the contest

Our partners introducing startups