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Road Quality Analytics
Create a solution to evaluate road quality through sensors on vehicles. Want to evaluate and provide analytics via a sensor and/or camera to assist in the evaluation of the road quality to be ingested by other systems that provide further analytics or can be stand alone solution for a city to incorporate this information into their operations for road maintenance.
- Related keywords
- Smart Cities
- Smart Transportation
- Department of Transportation
- Road analytics
- Market size of collaboration business or business scale
- Potential market size is part of the overall Smart City market potential which is estimated at $189B in 2023 according to IDC analyst organization.
- Assets and opportunities to be offerred
Explore road conditions and information from City of Milan bus organizaiton; City of Las Vegas Regional Transportation Company; Any global entity where NTT has a relationship with the transportation department is a candidate.<Assets>
Connection with the NTT Accelerate Smart Platform Solution.